6 Best Food Items to Make Soup for 16/8 Intermittent Fasting

Fat To Fitly
3 min readJan 26, 2022

16/8 intermittent fasting allows you to eat for 8 hours and restrict your eating for hours. For example, your eating time starts from 8 am to 4 pm and restricts your eating from 4 pm to next day morning till 8 am.

If you follow 16/8 intermittent fasting then you might feel hungry in between while you are restricted to eating. It will be better if you eat soup because Its high water content can help you feel fuller for longer, and it can help you lose weight, maintain your weight goals, and reduce your risk of obesity.

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

6 food items for intermittent fasting

Photo by Elly Brian on Unsplash


You need to eat fewer calories to reduce weight, and one cup of spinach has only 7 calories. Insoluble fiber keeps you fuller for longer and prevents calories from being absorbed by the body. As a result, spinach will give you sufficient fiber while keeping your calorie intake in check.

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash


The egg drop soup is highly nutritious. Because egg drop soup is low in calories and carbs, it is a good choice for persons who are controlling their weight. While the chicken broth and eggs are both healthful, this soup is rich in salt. You may, however, minimize the saltiness by cooking the meal at home.

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Chicken breasts

Chicken breasts are lean and have the most protein per pound, making them ideal for people looking to lose weight, sustain muscle mass, and improve recovery. Because proteins require longer to break down than carbohydrates, having a chicken meal every day may keep your stomach full long enough to prevent you from desiring carbs or consuming calories.

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Oatmeal is abundant in magnesium, zinc, and fiber, all of which can help lower cholesterol, support weight loss, and enhance gut health, thanks to an excellent combination of fiber, complex carbs, and protein. Oats help you feel fuller for longer, reduce sugar surges, and lower insulin levels.

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For starters, it is low calorie, with only 25 cals per cup, helping you to eat big amounts without gaining weight. It may also be used to replace high-calorie items like rice and wheat with a low-calorie alternative. The high fiber content of cauliflower assists digestion and increases feelings of fullness.

Photo by Abstral Official on Unsplash


Fish is one of the healthiest foods you may consume on a daily basis. It’s packed with nutrients that help your body in a variety of ways, including weight loss. Fish is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote fullness and assist to reduce food cravings, as well as a person’s desire for harmful foods.

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