Weight loss: Surprising exercises that might help you drop those extra lbs

Fat To Fitly
2 min readMar 20, 2022

When wanting to reduce weight, people frequently hear advice like “Follow a diet!” or “Start a HIIT workout!” It might be tough to find the greatest weight reduction tip or trick among a sea of them. Before we go any further, it’s crucial to understand that the weight-loss process is not linear, and there are no shortcuts. As a result, it’s important to remember that the greatest weight-loss strategy for you is one that you can adhere to because, without consistency, all your efforts would be in vain.

Photo by Gabin Vallet on Unsplash

How to Lose Weight in Surprising Ways

Here are some unconventional methods for losing weight:

1. Avoid eating in front of a screen: People who eat in front of a screen consume more calories than those who do not. Make it a practise to put away any digital gadgets when you eat if you want to lose weight.

2. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly: Did you know that the manner you chew affects your weight? Eating slowly can help produce fullness quickly, reducing the risk of overeating or consuming too many calories. Furthermore, chewing the meal thoroughly might aid indigestion.

3. Eat a substantial breakfast: It is true that breakfast is one of the most essential meals of the day. Eat a big and healthy breakfast to keep satisfied and energized throughout the day. A breakfast like this can also help with weight reduction by staving off hunger sensations and snack cravings throughout the day.

4. Make healthy substitutions: For every harmful meal, there is a healthier substitute. All you have to do is keep an eye out for it. From animal protein to carbs, look for and incorporate healthy food substitutions into your diet. Swap refined sugar for honey/stevia/jaggery, use bell pepper as a basis instead of bread, use applesauce instead of butter, and so on.

5. Don’t make things ‘forbidden’: If you make particular meals ‘forbidden,’ you may find yourself craving them even more. When you do receive the ‘forbidden’ meal, the potential of unmoderated consumption arises. Make it a practice to consume a variety of foods but in moderation.

Disclaimer: The tips and ideas in this post are provided for general information only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Before beginning any exercise program or making any dietary changes, always speak with your doctor or a dietitian.

Original Source: Times Now



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